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What we’re about

Like boardgames, card games, role-playing games (really, any non-video game) and find yourself looking for a friendly, open, chill, low drama group of like minded folks to throw some dice and tell some stories with? MEEPLE is for you. Come on out for an afternoon of great games and laughs. Regular attendees bring all sorts of games from simple to sophisticated, for those into gateway games to those into complex Euros. There's a space and place for all players. We believe in the mantra of the good people at Geek&Sundry - gaming is awesome, but it can be hard to break into a group sometimes if they get a little cliquey or a little too intense. That's not the MEEPLE way. We want you to develop a love for games and gaming and become a person who wants to share the hobby with others.
You won't find a warmer welcome!
First timers, new and inexperienced players are encouraged to attend.
MEEPLE: Meet, Play, Learn. Low drama, high fun.

The Western branch of MEEPLE programs gaming events throughout Southern California. The Eastern branch of MEEPLE programs game events in Pittsburgh, PA. Check them out if you get to visit!