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Group Photoshoot - Pirates

Photo of Allison
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Group Photoshoot - Pirates


☠️ Ahoy, Mateys! Join Us for a Swashbuckling Scallywags Photoshoot Adventure! 🏴‍☠️
Avast, ye landlubbers and sea dogs alike! Set sail with us on a pirate-themed photoshoot extravaganza as we pillage and plunder our way around the scenic shores of the lake. Don your finest buccaneer attire, hoist the Jolly Roger high, and prepare to capture some treasure-worthy memories!

What to Expect:
🌊 Pirate Parade: Embark on a swashbuckling stroll around the lake, where the shimmering waters and rugged coastline provide the perfect backdrop for our high-seas adventure. From sandy coves to hidden coves, every corner holds the promise of pirate-themed photo opportunities aplenty.

📸 Scallywags Photoshoot: Channel your inner Jack Sparrow or Anne Bonny and strike a pose for the camera as we capture epic portraits of our motley crew of scallywags. Whether you're a seasoned sailor or a landlubber at heart, there's no shortage of photo ops to plunder and treasure to capture.

🏴‍☠️ Pirate Props and Props: Shiver me timbers! Bring your pirate props and accessories to help you get into character, from tricorn hats and eye patches to cutlasses and treasure chests. Avast, ye scallywags—let the photo plundering commence!

Ahoy, Mateys—Join the Crew!
Don't miss your chance to be part of this epic pirate-themed photoshoot adventure. Dust off your tricorn hat, polish your peg leg, and prepare to capture some seaworthy memories with your fellow scallywags. Arrr, see you thar!

Photo of TFP models group
TFP models
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Herrick Lake
· Wheaton, IL
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