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Sabadell Nit d’Intercanvis de llengües, els Dissabtes~Saturday language exchange

Photo of Idiomes: Meet & Speak
Hosted By
Idiomes: Meet & S.
Sabadell Nit d’Intercanvis de llengües, els Dissabtes~Saturday language exchange


Parla idiomes estrangers, fes nous amics i diverteix-te amb nosaltres cada setmana! Som un grup de professors que vol fer intercanvis lingüístics i a més, conèixer a gent !

Ens trobem els dissabtes a les 18.00H al centre de la ciutat, al Bar
Carrer de Sant Josep, 2, 08202 Sabadell.

Només demanem 2 euros per participar en aquesta activitat i hi ha una consumició mínima ( ja que el bar ens presta el seu espai ).

La trobada és oberta a tothom, així que sou tots benvinguts!
(Si ets menor de 18, has d'anar acompanyat d'un adult).

Hi haurà un amfitrió que t'entregarà un adhesiu amb el teu nom, idioma nadiu i idioma que vols practicar. No hi ha cap problema a parlar només el teu idioma.

Uneix-te al nostre grup.
Descobreix més sobre nosaltres a la nostra pàgina web
Telegram group

Are you looking to practise languages, make friends, and have fun? We are a group of teachers who want to do language exchanges and also meet people in the area. Come brush up on your Catalan, Spanish, English, or other languages, plus share your language with someone else, in a comfortable environment. Come have fun with us!

We meet on Saturdays at 18:00H in the city center, at bar:
Carrer de Sant Josep, 2, 08202 Sabadell.

We only ask for 2 euros to participate in this activity and there is a minimum consumption (since the bar is so kind in lending us its space). The meeting is open to everyone, so you are all welcome!
(If you are under 18, you must be accompanied by an adult).

There will be a host who will give you a sticker with your name, native language, and language you want to practice. There is no problem speaking only your language. Let's just have fun!

Join our group,
Discover more and stay connected with us and check out all the other classes and programs we offer :)

Hope to see you there!
Telegram group

Photo of Sabadell language exchange·intercanvi d´idiomes·Ds-Saturday group
Sabadell language exchange·intercanvi d´idiomes·Ds-Saturday
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