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Walk and Talk for cancer loss, Hyde Park, London, 15.6.24

Photo of The Loss Foundation
Hosted By
The Loss F.


On Saturday 15th June 2024 we will be hosting an informal walk and talk event around Hyde Park in London.

This event is specifically for people who have lost a loved one to cancer. This event is for people aged 18 and over.

Where are we walking?
The walk will be around Hyde Park and it will last approximately two hours.

Can anyone take part?
Our walk is open to any adult who has had a loved one die from cancer. The aim is to give you space to meet and talk with others who have experienced a similar loss, which our users tell us they find extremely helpful.

We will be limiting the number of walkers to 11 people so that we do not have too large a walking group. One of our volunteers will be hosting the event to walk and talk alongside you.

Please note that we do not allow guests unless you let us know in advance (as we are capping the number of attendees for each walk).

Pets and children are also not able to attend.

What are the timings for the day?
Walkers will be meeting at 2pm and starting at 2:15pm.
We aim to complete the walk, at approximately 4pm.

Do I need to be a professional walker?
Definitely not. The event is about being together, spending time with others who have experienced similar things, and being outdoors. It’s not about being fit or racing.

How do I get involved?
To register for this event you will need to complete the registration form below:

Once completed you will receive an email confirming your place and with full details for the walk.

We are unable to respond to messages through MeetUp outside of office working hours. If you are having any difficulty with registering for the group, please email us at rather than through MeetUp and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please note that we are not a crisis service, so if you are in need of immediate support please do reach out to Samaritans who provide immediate listening support. They can be reached on 116 123.

Photo of Meeting Others in Cancer Loss group
Meeting Others in Cancer Loss
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