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Meetups: May 1 TGIF and Dancing ; April 30 Singing

From: Graham T.
Sent on: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 2:06 AM
Announcing Meetups :

May 1 6:30 PM International Club TGIF at Zur Alten Post in the city of Berne
May 1 8:30 PM on - Dancing at Maygut
April 30 7 PM Russian and Jewish songs - learn and understand the lyrics
April 30 8 PM Singing at the English-Speaking Club

The International Club TGIF: We meet and talk and eat on the first Friday evening each month, from 1830 to about 2000. Non-ICB members are welcome. THIS MONTH AT Rest. zur Alten Post, Rathausgasse 27, see

Then some of us go to Rest Maygut in Wabern for dancing until midnight or 1 am.

Ask Graham for a lift. Alternatively you can take tram 9 which leaves the railway station at 9 or 10 pm and connects with a postauto 340 at the end station Wabern 15 minutes later. The one bus ticket covers both. Return buses leave Maygut at 21.07h, 22.07h, and 23.07h to connect with tram 9, and at 23.16h and 00.29h to Kehrsatz, whence train S3 returns to Berne.

It's DJ Pia with her golden oldies, very danceable music, and we usually have about 10 people from the International Club with 20 more. You can also take a meal there. There is also a mailing list for those interested in dancing, with one or two emails a week about places to go. Send an email to [address removed] .

Learn more here about the Friday meetings

NOTE the meeting on Thursday 30: Singing at the English club from 8 to 10 pm.
Optional - come to learn the lyrics of Russian and Jewish songs before at 7 pm.
Details of the Thursday meetings -

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