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What we’re about

Welcome to the Akashic Record MeetUP Group of Jacksonville, FL

This group, allows those seeking education, support and community within the Records, to know that there is an an Akashic Record Group in Jacksonville! You do not have to know how to access the Records to join this group.

During our MeetUP meeting, which happens on virtually - the discussion focusses around what the Records are, how they can benefit you, consultations, and classes.

I ask those who join this group and those who are members, to send me your email, so I can invite you to the Zoom Meeting that month! I am told it is safer that way for all of us to have an undisturbed meeting. You can send your email to - with the Subject - RSVP for Akashic Record MeetUP - send by 3:00PM on the day of the MeetUP - latest. You can send it anytime and I will add it to the list of those who have RSVP'd for a particular MeetUP.

We meet the 4th Tuesday of every month, at 7:00PM. I am looking forward to Greeting YOU, from the Records!
