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Overcomer’s Bible Studies: Mental Health Awareness- USA Preacher/Missionary

Photo of John & Kellie Aguirre
Hosted By
John & Kellie Aguirre .
Overcomer’s Bible Studies: Mental Health Awareness- USA Preacher/Missionary


Hello everyone. My name is John Aguirre and I’m an American Preacher/Missionary. Please message for more details.

This is an English Christian service that will focus on Mental Health awareness. Through the gospel, we can see how God can heal us from Anxiety and many other mental health issues like depression and stress.

We are a Pentecost Church with over 4,000 church worldwide.

You are not joining a church…You are joining a Worldwide Family.

Please listen before coming:

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ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Peer-to-peer programs are those that use peer support as a primary intervention for healthy to recently distressed individuals. In a formalized peer-to-peer program, the peer providing the support has received some level of training and has access to more intensive support resources. Although peer support discussions can facilitate the strengthening of an individual, a peer supporter is not a professional counselor, and some individuals may have needs that fall beyond the scope of a peer-to-peer program, requiring professional support. Providing peer support training to those contemplating suicide and surviving members, many of whom are already providing informal social support, could increase the effectiveness of the individual providing support as well as increase his or her ability to identify a potential high-risk situation before a crisis event occurs (Money, 2011).

Code of ethics

  1. Group members will respect the rights of all to confidentiality.

  2. Thoughts, feelings and experiences shared by the group will stay within the group, which means that members have the privacy to share their thoughts and feelings.

  3. Group members will recognize that thoughts and feelings are neither right nor wrong. Everybody is entitled to his/her unique feelings.

  4. Group members will not be judgmental or critical of other members, and will show tolerance.

  5. Group members have the right to share their grief and/or feelings or not.

  6. They should make some spoken contribution to the meeting, but if they wish just to “be there” at times the group will accept that.

  7. Group members appreciate that each person’s grief is unique to that person. Respect and accept what members have in common and what is particular to each individual.

  8. Group members respect the right of all the members to have equal time to express themselves and to do so without interruption. All members should listen to each other and be silent when somebody else is speaking.

CONFIDENTIALITY: Confidentiality is an essential element to allow the individual to overcome apprehensions about stigma and negative repercussions and to freely discuss his or her concerns. Every group member is prohibited from discussing or sharing any information discussed in the group setting. Violator will be prohibited from attending any future meetings. It is the responsibility of the Peer Leader only, to report individuals who pose a threat to themselves or a threat to others. The Peer Leader, also must report admitted child, spouse and elder abuse and other violations of criminal law to the authorities.
RESPECT: Everyone will be treated with respect at all times. Everyone will have equal opportunity to speak their mind and share their personal experiences. Please wait until person is finished presenting their point before providing input. No interruptions. Debates will be kept civilized and at a minimum. The Peer Leader will navigate the conversation from one topic to another. Bible scriptures and personal testimonies are encouraged. Failure to adhere by these rules will lead to expulsion from the group.

Photo of Overcoming Anxiety Support Group  group
Overcoming Anxiety Support Group 
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