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What we’re about

I see YOU Beautiful You!!💕

You’re a woman- doing all the things-and some how you still don’t feel like you are living your best life in certain areas.💕

You’ve got a little more ‘fluffiness’ on your body 🤪, some of your healthy habits have slipped, some relationships need a little extra love these days.💕

Guess what!?!

I KNOW what you’re going through and how to help you!!!💕

Hi!! I’m Cyndi Benson💕

I am the Founder and owner of a Christ Centered Weight Loss Ministry called The Grace and Strength Lifestyle. I have helped hundreds and hundreds of women just like you not only lose the weight off their bodies but most importantly become Free and Fully Alive to live their best lives while living into all God has created and called them to be!!!💕

My prayer is that you will find community as we walk along side each other- do the work together, have FUN, become healthy in spirit, soul and body, all while giving Jesus all the glory!!!💕🙌🏻

We will meet ‘in person’ [every other week] on Wednesdays from 12:00pm - 1:30pm at the gorgeous and historic 1819 Coffee Shop /Homestead Manor House in Thompson Station, TN (look for the sign on the table)💕

I look forward to walking this journey together as we become all God has created and called us to be - Whole and Healthy from the inside out!! 💕

I want you to know God sees YOU - you are right on time - you’re not a moment too late for the party!!!🎉💕


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