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What we’re about

Open Coffee Sydney is a friendly informal networking event for entrepreneurs, professionals, people in the startup community, and students.⁣ You may find a mentor, investor, client, co-founder, employer, vendor, inspiration or a friend.

We usually meet at 8 AM sharp. Everybody gets up to 2 minutes to present:
1. Who they are and what they are doing
2. What they want
3. How they can help others
After about an hour we stop hosting and you can talk to people who are most interesting to you.

We are focused on business and social entrepreneurs, the startup community and anyone else who is doing something interesting or wants to get involved in other people's projects. You can talk about any project/topic.

Open Coffee Sydney is an “un-meeting” without a speaker or agenda. We are focused on attendees gaining value from other attendees. The rules, tools, structure and moderation aim to facilitate this goal.

⁣⁣What is the BIG idea behind Open Coffee? We want to help people create useful connections.⁣ Everyone is welcome to our meetings, and we especially love first-timers.⁣ ⁣We want to make sure that anyone has the opportunity to join, they will notice that we are glad they came because we welcome them. If you feel shy, you can also just listen but we encourage you to talk. 💭⁣

Each attendee can also get to show their LinkedIn page or website through our channels and showcase their idea.⁣

This event is based on the Open Coffee Krakow format, run by Richard Lucas and others in Krakow, Poland since 2013. If you want to help and get involved in making this gathering a regular part of the Sydney eco-system please let us know here. The event was founded by Richard Lucas.

Many thanks to Thanks for INCUBATE for the venue. INCUBATE is the award-winning startup program at the University of Sydney. INCUBATE funds students, alumni and researchers to launch high-potential startups through our accelerator and supports student entrepreneurs through our community activities.