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What we’re about

Welcome to a group that's more than just a community—it’s a catalyst for innovation, the Malmö AI Meetup.

We stand at the intersections of the future, exploring artificial intelligence: understanding its advances, applications, but also its challenges. We wish to bring together curious minds, creative thinkers, intellectuals, and novices onto a single platform.
It isn't just about knowledge, it's about sparking ideas that could revolutionize our world. It's about fostering conversations that could lead us to the next big thing in AI. It's a chance to be a part of something that’s bigger than us.

This journey can't be undertaken alone—it requires a network, a community. So, whether you're an expert or an enthusiast, come aboard. Be a part of this trailblazing exploration into the uncharted territories of technology at the Malmö AI Meetup.
Because the ones who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world, are the ones who do.