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## The Practice - Free of cost and open to all

The practice is a simple thirty-minute daily meditation with a sincere desire to let go of the body sense and to connect with Universal Consciousness. Samarpan Meditation does not involve any physical exercises or breathing practice or any other type of practice for that matter. As explained elsewhere on this website, there are no restrictions on age, belief system, or lifestyle. We progress spiritually if we continually assimilate the values that our Spiritual Master(Guru) – Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji embodies

It will clear your chakra and clean aura, give lots of positive vibes and one can feel a pure and holy soul, and connect with nature. The body is created with 5 basic natural elements.

> “The Universal Consciousness is ready to meet us in every moment. It is we who are not ready, and being ready in this way is meditation.”
> – H. H. Shivkrupanand Swami

Meditation involves doing nothing! Once one is seated most comfortably with the back erect and the mind’s attention brought to the crown of the head, one simply rests thus in the silence of the mind after reciting the mantra.
The mantra “I am a Holy Soul; I am a Pure Soul” is recited thrice with a feeling of reverence (‘Bhava’).
One simply ‘let goes’ of one’s past regrets and bitterness as well as anxieties for the future. Simply maintaining awareness of the mind on the crown of the head, one does nothing for the next thirty minutes. Making any effort at meditation only comes in the way of ‘surrendering (Samarpan) to the great collectivity of souls or Swamiji. During these silent moments, one neither engages in any thought nor suppresses them; one realizes that the past and the future having been completely given out, are no longer one’s own, to recall. With this kind of complete Samarpan (surrender) even a brief experience of one’s own self is often enough to bring great joy and peace.
With regular daily meditation preferably early in the morning, for at least forty-five days, one starts experiencing the vibrations of Universal Consciousness flowing upwards through the spinal cord to settle on the top of the head bringing a sense of Peace. We then come to live a joyful life, overcoming all difficulties while humbly helping others in the process.

Khushali AT 0221598311