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What we’re about

Welcome to "Our Village" - a vibrant and empowering community group on exclusively for single mothers! We understand that motherhood can sometimes feel overwhelming, but with the support of fellow single moms, we believe that together we can create a strong and loving village to lean on.

Our primary goal is to foster a supportive and nurturing environment where single mothers can come together to share resources, strategize on child rearing issues, and offer emotional support to one another. Whether you're a new single mom navigating through the challenges or a seasoned one looking to connect with like-minded individuals, "Our Village" is here to provide you with the guidance and camaraderie you deserve.

Within our group, you'll find a wealth of resources to help you thrive in various aspects of your life. From childcare and financial assistance to educational and career opportunities, we believe in empowering single mothers with the tools they need to succeed. We also offer divorce support and resources, recognizing the unique challenges faced by divorced single moms.

Join us for our monthly meetups, where we come together in person to build lasting connections, engage in group activities, and explore the joys of co-parenting. Additionally, we offer weekly virtual events, workshops, and therapy sessions to ensure that our support extends beyond physical gatherings.

"Our Village" is a place where you can find solace, inspiration, and the strength to overcome any obstacles that come your way. We invite you to join our community of compassionate and resilient single mothers, as we navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood together. Let's create a village that uplifts and supports each other - because no mom should feel alone on the beautiful and incredible journey of raising our sweet babies!

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