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What we’re about

Welcome to Fictional Book Club!
At FBC!, we try to read a fiction in a new genre every fortnight!

How often do we read?
We started with reading two books every month, but damn with the pandemic hitting us and it taking a toll on us, we now read a book a month.

When are meets?
Our meetings happen end of the month, mostly last Sunday/Saturday of the month.

How do we which book would we read?
Genres are pre-selected by the organisers, from the different suggestions we get. Once the genres are selected, members part of the mailing list are asked to nominate the books they want to read for that genre. Once the nominations are in, we ask our mailing list people to vote, and we announce the book with the maximum votes as the read of the month.

P.S.: This is a self-paced book club! What that means is that we would hopefully continue to announce a book every month, it is completely up to you to read one you like and join whenever you can! If you want to skip few months, that's okay too! Just know that we're here whenever you'd like to be a part. :)

P.S.: This is a queer run space.

Some links:
• Follow Instagram or Facebook. We post photos & really short book reviews there. 
• Join our Mailing List. We mail thrice a month. One to ask for suggestions, second to vote, and third to announce books & meet dates.
• Suggest a title or a genre here.

Check out our website: Write to us at

Disclaimer: We send out nomination and voting mails to the Mailing List members only. So please join the mailing list.

Upcoming events (1)

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