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What we’re about

We’re back!

This is a group for woman who would like to get out and about more, meet new people and make some new friends.

I would say Durham is the central location for the group but meetups with also be planned outside of this. For example, I like to go to the Metro Centre for cinema trips to make a day out of it. And I also want to get out and about in Newcastle a bit more so expect a few meals to be planned there.

The main thing I will bring to the group is meeting up for nice lunches, trips to the cinema or a combination of both! I also enjoy going out for walks (of the leisurely kind!) along the coast and other beautiful places, and exploring castles, old building and new places – I may also add a bit of this to the group to see if anyone fancies tagging along. As the group develops and I gather more ideas, I will look to expand the range of events further.

In addition to this, I’m also open to members planning events however there is absolutely no obligation to do so! If you’d rather just come along for good food, chat and company then the more the merrier! For those who are interested in organising events, there will be some ‘rules’ for lack of a better phrase – see below for more details!

With regards to ‘rules’ for members, all I ask is that if you commit to attending a meetup, you try your best to make it. I completely understand that emergencies happen and anxiety can get the best of us – believe me I’ve been there! If you’re unable to make something you’ve signed up for, for whatever reason, please drop me a message or leave a comment on the meetup event as soon as possible. I don’t require details, just letting me know you won’t be attending is sufficient.

No shows will not be tolerated. Neither will changing your RSVP (without a comment or message) within 48hrs of an event or once an event has been booked (e.g. a table has been reserved). Honestly, it’s just common curtesy to let me know if you are no longer coming.

If this groups sounds like some you might be interested, please do join and come along to event if you can! I look forward to meeting you!

Katherine x

Rules for Event Organisers

• You must attend at least one meetup event prior to becoming an organiser so the group and I can get to know you.
• You can plan up to two meetups per month.
• Ensure that any meetups you plan do not conflict with any already scheduled on the group.
• Ensure that any meetups are for members only – please don’t enable bring a guest.
• Ensure any preparation for the meetup is done in a timely manner e.g. booking a table, gathering money to book an event.
• Keep attendees up to date on the organisation of the meetup – where to meet you, at what time, how to contacted you if needed (you can give your number out if you want to or download the meetup app)
• If something unexpected occurs and you are unable to make the event – inform your attendees as soon as possible. Also drop me a message in case I am available to step in.
• I reserve the right to revoke the ability to organise event at any time