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What we’re about

Welcome to the Badass Sober Socials Group – where connection, camaraderie, and unapologetic badassery unite in the name of sobriety! If you're craving genuine connections with like-minded individuals on a similar journey, look no further. Our group is not your average social gathering; it's aimed to be a vibrant community where sober warriors come together to celebrate life without the use of substances. Wherever you are on your journey, sober, sober curious or wanting to make friends in an alcohol free setting: we are the group for you!

Embark on this exciting journey with the Badass Sober Socials Group. Whether you're newly sober or a seasoned warrior, our community welcomes you with open arms. It's time to forge meaningful connections, make memories, and live your sober life to the fullest. Cheers to the badass in you!

  1. Diverse Events: From coffee meet-ups to outdoor adventures, our events cater to a variety of interests, ensuring there's something for everyone. Connect with others who share your passions and discover new activities that resonate with your sober lifestyle.
  2. Positive Vibes Only: Say goodbye to the pressures of traditional social scenes. Our gatherings exude positivity, providing a safe space where authenticity is celebrated, and genuine connections thrive.
  3. Supportive Environment: Surround yourself with individuals who understand the triumphs and challenges of sobriety. Our group is a judgment-free zone where everyone's journey is respected, and encouragement is abundant.
  4. Empowering Workshops: Engage in empowering workshops and discussions that focus on personal growth, mental well-being, and cultivating a positive mindset. Elevate your journey with insights and tools to navigate life with strength and resilience.
  5. Virtual Hangouts: Can't make it in person? No problem! Join our virtual hangouts for online connections, discussions, and shared experiences from the comfort of your home.
  6. Exclusive Merchandise: Show off your badass sobriety pride with our exclusive group merchandise. From T-shirts to accessories, wear your commitment to a sober lifestyle with style.
  7. Social Media Community: Stay connected between events through our active social media community. Share your milestones, seek advice, and be part of a supportive network that understands the power of living sober. Be a pioneer and find us on insta at Badd_Ass_Sobriety_Society