We gather virtually from 7am (Melbourne time) to network and chat. At 7:30am we start the more formal lean coffee format. We finish at 8:30am, and some folks hang around afterwards to continue networking and chatting.
As people arrive they write any topics they are interested in discussing by writing them on notes in our Trello board. Topics can be anything of interest, or a problem you would like to solve. They are often related to agile, lean, system thinking, IT, teams, organisational transformation, leadership, project management and more.
All the topics are put Into a queue as they arrive. There is a high priority queue for any newcomers to make sure your topic is addressed first.
We discuss each topic for 5 minutes, then vote whether to continue or move to the next topic.
We have many regulars, and new folks joining every week. You don’t have to add a topic or even talk. There is often much to be gained by just listening.
Our Purpose
To Network, Share, Support and Collaborate.
Our Principles
- we create a dynamic agenda
- we use time boxes and voting to democratically keep the conversation flowing
- we strive for inclusion and a voice for all
- try to allow a pause after someone finishes talking to ensure they have really finished
- put your hand up if you are having trouble getting a turn
- be mindful of letting others have a turn to talk
Want to know more about our history and format https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lean-coffee-gathering-minds-david-williams