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FW: Raspberry Pi Weekly Issue #189 - Robocod

From: Trevor W.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 5:58 AM



Here’s a project (Robocod) that could make life a bit more interesting for your guppies…J





From: Raspberry Pi Weekly [mailto:[address removed]]
Sent: Sunday, 5 February[masked]:23 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: Raspberry Pi Weekly Issue #189 - Robocod


Raspberry Pi Weekly - Stay connected with the Raspberry Pi community


View this issue on our website

Sunday 5 February 2017

Issue #189 - Robocod

Hi everyone!

Have you told your favourite educator about Hello World yet? Our new magazine about computing and digital making is for everyone who helps people to learn, including librarians, Code Club and Raspberry Jam volunteers, Scout leaders and classroom assistants, as well as teachers. It's free online for everyone, forever, and practising educators in the UK can subscribe to have a print copy delivered to their home.

Meanwhile, someone has built a goldfish tank that the fish can drive, and someone else has used a Pi to adapt a toaster so it takes orders via Twitter. And some scoundrels have made fake cases that look like our own, only theirs don't help fund computing education; our blog post will help you check what you're buying is the real deal.

We hope you're all having a fab weekend. See you next week!




Raspberry Pi CEO: ‘Barriers to computer science education are falling’


Silicon Republic interviews Raspberry Pi Foundation CEO Philip Colligan

Fake cases - make sure you don't end up with one


Check what you're buying is the real deal



Hacker House smartphone-connected door lock


Unlock a door via a smartphone app

Raspberry Pi Thumb Harp


Build a battery-powered instrument with this tutorial in English and French



Questionable practices in aquaculture

Sudo Make Some Toast


Order toast from your Pi via Twitter

Raspberry Pi Appliance Monitor


Get tweets from your dishwasher, with a Pi and a vibration sensor



Bringing digital making to the Bett Show 2017

See what we shared with educators from around the world

Raspberry Pi Camera Comparison

Steven A. Cholewiak has made an excellent clear comparison of various options

Electronic nose to detect fruit ripening

Monitoring the harvest-readiness of urban fruit

Theremin Museum Exhibit

A BitScope, a Blade Uno and a Pi let visitors play, listen, and see their sounds visualised

Twitter Bot Will Send The View From Twin Peaks When You @ It

Nice implementation of a classic project


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