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New Meetup: Free Songwriters Critique Meetup (June 2009)

From: Jacques G.
Sent on: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 11:53 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Melbourne Songwriters Workshop!

What: Free Songwriters Critique Meetup (June 2009)

When: June 7,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: This is the kind of meetup as we have always had in the past and all our members have enjoyed attending. Beside the socializing , songwriters have the opportunity to network with other writers like themselves.

This is a free feedback meetup and only allocates a maximum of 10 minutes per song for a quick opinion by all other songwriters. If time allows, more songs can be presented.

Please print your lyrics so everyone can read what you are singing or what they hear being played.

You can bring your guitar along, or any other instrument. A Yamaha keyboard is available for those who would like to make use of.

You can make use of the sound system available to present your song as audio CD. MP3 files from an Ipod for instance can also be plugged in and played.

Please come on time so you do not miss on some songs presented.

Bring a snack so we can all enjoy something on our stomach. I will provide coffee and soft drinks.

Come and have fun.

Learn more here:

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