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Great songwriting software free

From: Jacques G.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 3, 2014, 1:20 AM

Hi guys,

I have been using a few songwriting software starting with Lyricist, Microsoft Onenote, Masterwriter and Songwriter's Pad.

I found Lyricist top be only basic. I decided to stop using it since there were no save option as it saves into the system . As a result, when the system failed, I lost my songs.Then i started to use MS Onenote as it has a recorder feature. Basically it is a program for note taking and can be useful for taking note of your songwriting ideas. But it also saved automatically in the system. Masterwriter was my favourite for a while. But the upgrade to be able to use it online made some of the features not available online. I don't mind since I can access my songs from just anywhere, but paying a yearly licence of $150 for a program that has less features than the previous version sucks.

Songwriter's Pad is one software allowing the songwriter to be able to write songs on the computer as well as on an ipad. I however lost some of my songs since the songwriter needs to follow the right sequence of syncing to the server to avoid overwriting the latest written data. While the app version is free, the computer version cost $99 which most of the time you end up paying around $40.

But recently one of my songwriting students shared Lilacwriter with me. I found it the one to use for the following reason.
- It's free.
- It's only accessible online therefore from just anywhere.
- It has great utilities to practice writing.
- Make a donation to have advertising removed.
- Easy to use.
- Features for collaborators.

You can sign up at
Enjoy great songwriting.

Jacques M. Gentil
Songwriting Mentor / Music Publisher
Australian Songwriter of the Year 2013
Meetup Organiser


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