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What we’re about

This group is a space where we can come to gather tools and connection to assist us all on this journey we call life! Incorporating techniques such as EFT, Reiki and connecting with Spirit, we can all heal ourselves as well as others.

This group is for anyone that feels a calling to explore their Spirituality and grow on an energetic level. If you are pulled toward this group, trust the process because this journey is a wild one!

There will be events such as:
*The Intuition Course -(learning techniques to receive Spirit's messages)
*Reiki & Seichim Practitioner Course- (Level 1, 2 & Masters)
*Healing Mentorship - (!2 week personal journey)
*Spiritual Healing Retreats

*and n opportunity to come together with like minded people to feel supported and understood along the mass Spiritual Awakening we are all experiencing as a collective.

Upcoming events (4+)

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