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Re: [Melb-Lit-Writing-Group] Hope you are feeling better.

From: Brian
Sent on: Sunday, March 13, 2016, 9:55 AM
I don't know how I got onto the distribution list. I go to a U3A creative writing group but nobody there has heard of you. I am primarily an artist and perhaps a zine could include my work. Recent commission attached

On 13/03/2016 4:15 AM, Lorinna Hastings wrote:
I think the zine idea is super. 
I can empathise with you over health issues. Mother is not as sharp as she was so there are all sorts of problems, so I need to drop out for a while. Kind regards Lorinna.

Sent from my iPad

On 13 Mar 2016, at 4:03 AM, Steven C. McLachlan <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi MelbourneLit,

I'd like to apologise for the missed meeting on the 12th of March.  I am suffering a number of issues in my personal life and had to skip the meeting because I was unwell.

There's still plenty of MelbourneLit to come and we will be meeting again at our usual time next fortnight.

I have been meaning to discuss the possibility of putting out a Zine of member's work for a while, so if any members would like to be featured in a Zine made from member's work, please let me know.

Again, apologies for the missed meeting and our meetings will resume again as normal next fortnight.


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