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Need help with Spanish Meetup

From: Citlalli (.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 5:36 PM


I apologize that I haven?t been in touch with the group lately & have not attended the meetings. Due to several life events I am unable to continue supporting the Spanish Meetup group.
They charge a monthly fee to keep the group going & I can no longer afford to fund this without contributions.
However, if I close the group and someone else reopens it the monthly fee will double, so I?m hoping that someone will step up and volunteer as the Assistant Organizer.

Your duties would be as follows:
- Collect membership donations at each meeting & submit by mail or paypal.
- E-mail me educational materials to be copied or printed for the group members.
- Assist in pairing native or fluent speakers with beginners at the meetings (volunteer basis)
- Ask members to post Spanish Meetup event flyers at appropriate venues

I would like to know if someone would like to volunteer for this.

Thank you!

Please contact me through this link:
or call[masked]


Disculpen que no he estado en contacto con el grupo y que no he ido a las reuniones.
He tenido varios eventos en mi vida que no me permite el seguir apoyando al grupo de espa?ol de Meetup.
Me cobran mensualmente por la pagina de web y no puedo seguir pagando sin contribuciones del grupo.
Pero si cierro el grupo y alguna otra persona lo abre de nuevo, entonces la mensualidad se doblar?, as? que espero que alguien se ofrezca para ser un organizador secundario.

Necesitar?a que hicieran lo siguiente:
- Recibir la donaci?n de cada reuni?n y mandar por correo o paypal.
- Mandarme un e-mail con materiales de ense?anza para ser copiados o imprimidos.
- Ayudar a juntar en pares a personas avanzadas con principiantes (solo voluntarios)
- Pedirle al grupo que pongan los volantes del Meetup en lugares apropiados.


P?nganse en contacto conmigo en esta pagina

O ll?menme al[masked]

Memphis Spanish Language Meetup / Grupo Ingles y Espa?ol