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Leveraging the Mendix SDK for Smart Insights and Automated Legacy Migration

Photo of Marien Krouwel
Hosted By
Marien K. and 3 others
Leveraging the Mendix SDK for Smart Insights and Automated Legacy Migration


Maintaining a landscape of Mendix applications can be a time-consuming task; How can you track which applications need an update of some marketplace module? Which applications contain inline styling in order to determine the impact of the upgrade from Atlas 2 to 3? Which applications contain an outdated Java library, or one with severe security vulnerabilities? How can you check applications for your own best practices? And how can we reduce the repetitive upgrade and development efforts?

The Mendix SDK provides a way to read, change, and create Mendix applications. While the use of TypeScript may discourage you to start using the SDK, it is the solution to offer smart insights and detect incompliancy of your Mendix application landscape as well as to take away repetitive modelling tasks and reduce development efforts. During this meetup we will guide you through the opportunities and challenges of the Mendix SDK.

In the first presentation, Wiemer Steenbeek will show how to use the Mendix SDK to detect (outdated) components in your Mendix application, to ease and focus upgrade efforts. In the second presentation, Marien Krouwel will show how you can use the Mendix SDK to automate migration from an OutSystems application to Mendix, as an example of how to transform any input model to Mendix.

Key Takeaways

  • See the Mendix SDK in action
  • Example of how to use the Mendix SDK to detect outdated components and incompliancy in your Mendix application landscape
  • Example of how to use the Mendix SDK to automatically generate or change your Mendix application(s), from any input model, fully compliant with your standards

18:00 – 19:00 Walk-in and pizza
19:00 – 20:00 Presentations by Wiemer Steenbeek and Marien Krouwel, introduced and facilitated by Wouter Penris
20:00 – 21:00 Drinks & Networking

As always, there will be plenty of time for questions and networking. The event will be held at the Mendix office in Rotterdam. This is an in-person meetup and it will be recorded for people interested in watching it later on.

Wiemer Steenbeek (Trives Solutions) is a Mendix Expert with a background in business administration. He has found his stride in low code, uses Mendix to help customers grow, and is specialized in extending the Mendix platform.

Marien Krouwel (Trives Solutions) is a Mendix Expert with a PhD in model driven software development. He is consultant and trainer with a passion in supporting business ideas by transforming enterprise models into working software.

Wouter Penris (Ordina) is a Mendix MVP, Trainer and Expert with a background in Education (Music and English). He acts as thought leader and trusted advisor for a variety of clients.

We are happy that Mendix facilitates the venue. You know how to get there. Mendix will not provide parking tickets.

About Mendix Meetups
The Mendix Community Meetups are about meeting other makers, knowledge sharing, and learning something new.
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Mendix Netherlands
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