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Menfulness Allotment - Together We Grow

Photo of Adam D
Hosted By
Adam D. and Sam W.
Menfulness Allotment - Together We Grow



Join Adam at our allotment in Haxby!

Adam is our resident horticulture expert and he will be taking our little plot of heaven from roots to fruits. Come along and help us grow, create a space we can all take ownership of, and hopefully learn a thing or two along the way!

Please wear suitable clothing and sturdy footwear for the weather and for getting messy. Wear shorts and t-shirts at your own risk - scratches and stings are common in the pursuit of nature!

Bring along any snacks and water to keep you hydrated for the session and work at your own pace and ability level.

PARKING - There is very limited space to the front of the allotments so please aim to park on the street on either Station Road or Calf Close just round the corner.
BUS - You can also reach the allotment via the Number 1 bus and get off at the shopping centre/Memorial Hall and walk over the roundabout and down Station Road.

Photo of Menfulness - York’s Social Community for Men group
Menfulness - York’s Social Community for Men
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