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What we’re about

Sponsored by the STC Arizona chapter, we're a Phoenix-based group representing the interest of Arizona technical communicators.

We hold monthly networking events that offer our members an opportunity to exchange knowledge with like-minded colleagues and to make the kind of contacts that are so vital in advancing their careers.

Under the auspices of the Society for Technical Communication (STC), we also offer seminars on a wide variety of technical communication-related topics, such as DITA, document development in the Agile environment, ChatGPT and its future impact on technical communications, and many more. (See our Past Events for details.)

The MPTC Meetup is sponsored by the non-profit (registered 501c3) Arizona Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). Any dues or donations collected from this site will go directly to the Arizona chapter (and may be tax deductible). Our local STC officer and staff positions are entirely voluntary, and all donations are applied directly to servicing our operational expenses.

You do NOT have to be an STC member to join or participate in this Meetup, but non-STC members may be asked to pay non-member pricing if attending any Arizona Chapter STC events. Visit our website at []( for more information on our local Arizona STC chapter.