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Yes, there is a #MotownWriters @meetup today @detroitlibrary 10am

From: Sylvia/MotownWriters
Sent on: Saturday, December 8, 2018, 9:38 AM
I've been migrainish on and off these past two weeks and have literally slacked on announcing everything. 

I take full responsibility. I'll have gifts and if you bring a gift we can exchange it. 

Today we have Christina Dixon
CHRISTINA DIXON brings contagious enthusiasm to whatever she
does. As a publisher and writing coach, she has spent over fifteen years
equipping writers as they go from manuscript to marketplace. In
November 2001 she released her first book entitled, How to Respect
an Irresponsible Man. She is also co-author of the award-winning
book, HELP! for Your Leadership by PriorityONE Publications
where she is Founder and Chief Publishing Midwife. She is a
contributing writer in the book entitled, African American Church
Leadership by Kregel Publications (2013), and the Wisdom and Grace
Devotional Bible for Young Women of Color, by Nia Publishing
(2002). Her current writing project is entitled, From Estranged to Changed: I Got My Kids Back.


BECOMING A WRITER: Why and What to Write
When you've got something to say, but you don't know where to start, how do you become a writer?

If you need more please don't hesitate to let me know.

Chief Publishing Midwife
PriorityONE Publications
PO Box[masked]
Grosse Pointe, MI 48236

"Taking Writers from Manuscript to Marketplace!"

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