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Season of AI: Getting Started with Azure AI Studio (General)

Photo of Savannah Dill
Hosted By
Savannah D.
Season of AI: Getting Started with Azure AI Studio (General)


Dive into the world of artificial intelligence with our introductory session on Azure AI Studio! Whether you're new to AI or looking to expand your skills, this session is designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of Azure AI Studio's capabilities and features. You'll learn how to navigate the platform, utilize its various tools.

Savannah Dill is an influential Business Intelligence Analyst, deeply passionate about Microsoft's Power Platform. Her mission is to demystify data analytics and empower individuals and organizations to make informed decisions using data insights, blending technical with storytelling.

Outside of her professional life, Savannah dedicates her time to managing "Not a Pickle Blog" and is in the process of launching a podcast named "D20 Dynamics," aiming to broaden her educational outreach and foster deeper community engagement.

Photo of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Indiana group
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Indiana
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