What we’re about
This is a group for couples wanting to play Euchre, maybe have a couple drinks. We’re not a super competitive group of players! This group is more for socializing and having fun.
Mike and I encourage everyone to come early for dinner! Every team will sign in and be assigned a number. All solo players will sign in and be matched up with the next solo player. Please arrive by 7pm. to sign in, games to start at 7:30pm.
ALL monies collected for entrance fees and Euchre fines will be are awarded back to the players (less $20.00 to help cover costs) $5 entrance fee plus $0.25 euchre fine and for reneging. You must pay your $0.25 fines for getting euchred and reneging (both team members pay the fine) We’ll play six rounds each evening. Each round ends when one team scores 13 points or after 20 minutes maximum time. You will be allowed to finish a hand that has been dealt when time is up. Tables are changed up after each round. We will have a 20 minute break after three rounds. We play standard Euchre including "Stick the Dealer". Loner basket - Each time a Euchre Player goes alone (a loner), they put $1 in the loner basket BEFORE the first card is played. If they make the loner, they take possession of the loner basket and receive a ticket. If you do not call a loner before the hand is played, you are disqualified in participation of the loner bucket. Whoever has possession of the loner bucket at the end of the evening keeps 1/2 the loner basket contents! A ticket will be drawn at the end of the evening for the remainder of the other 1/2. The more tickets you have, the better the odds! You don't have to pay $1 when going alone, but you cannot take possession of the loner bucket unless you pay throughout the entire evening for each loner attempted at the time the loner was called. You must take ALL five tricks to gain possession of the Loner Bucket and receive a ticket! A card laid is a card played! Once you take your fingers/hand off the card, you've played the card and cannot then pick the card back up into your hand and replace it with a correct suit or a correct trump. If you play the wrong suit, a renege will be called and 2 points will be awarded to the opposing team and you are fined .25 cents per team player. You may play a card and keep your hand/finger(s) on the card till you are sure that's the card you wish to play. Scoring is per team; each team, highest possible score per round is 13. Each team will keep track of their own score with score sheets provided and the score board.
Please remember to tip your waitress! Greenies has been very generous to let us use their facility.
****All players must be over 21 years of age!!****