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Milwaukee REIA's March Meeting Is Ready For Registration!

From: Dan K.
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 2:11 PM
The Milwaukee REIA is proud to have Steve Miszkowicz from Chicago Trust Administration Services speak at our meeting on Tuesday, March 9th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. As usual it will be at the Brookfield Suites which is located at 1200 S Moorland Rd in Brookfield, WI.

Steve specializes in Self Directed Retirement plans and he will be showing you how you can use them to invest in things that you know, including Real Estate.

Use your IRA, Roth IRA, 401 (k), or other Self Directed Retirement Plan to Invest in What You Know
- Real Estate
- Mortgage Notes
- Tax Lien Certificates
- Trust Deeds
- Unsecured Loans
- Contract Options
- LP?s & LLC?s
- Like and Unlike Exchanges
- Auto Paper
- Tangible Asset Deeds
- Leases
- And More

Steve will provide an overview for individuals and real estate and financial professionals investing in non-traditional assets using IRA?s and other self directed retirement plans. Learn how you and/or your clients can access IRA funds to invest in real estate, tax liens, leases and so much more.

You will learn:
- Types of investments available
- How to purchase real estate using IRA funds
- Financing / Mortgaging IRA purchases
- Purchasing Commercial Properties
- IRS Prohibited Transactions and Parties
- Self-Dealing and Dealer Issues

If you are interested in registering now for this event, please go to and get signed up. For the very first time, we had to put a limit on the number of registrations because of the overwhelming interest in this subject. So don't wait because you might miss out!

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