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October Wine Events and Activities

From: Aaron D
Sent on: Friday, September 29, 2017, 11:51 AM

Greetings Milwaukee Wine Lovers,

There are several wine-related events coming up with the start of Autumn in Wisconsin.

Milwaukee Wine Lovers has two events scheduled in October.  The first is Fall on the Patio hosted on the 14th by Bethany and Jerod in Brookfield.  This promises to be a great event incorporating fall flavors, colors, tastes, and the cool crisp air of the season.  Click on the link above to sign up for Fall on the Patio.

The second MWL event is Tuesday Night Wines at Ruby tap on the 17th.  Ruby Tap if one of the more popular venues in Wauwatosa and MWL has had several events there over the years.  There are several members signed up for this one already and I hope to see more of you there.

There are several events at local wine venues around Milwaukee.  Here are a few you might be interested in attending.

There are, of course, many other wine activities in and around Milwaukee and we encourage you to attend them and let your fellow members know so we can enjoy them as well.

Have a great month and we look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events.

In Vino Veritas,
