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What we’re about

About us:

The vary purpose of this group is to elevate peers' emotional health for a better living. We all have felt a wobbling emotional state with no or less resilience without knowing WHY it happens to us. WHY we behave in a certain way? WHY can't we access to our true potential? WHAT stops us to do something that we really want to do or at least we feel that we must do? WHY it is hard to change the conditioning of our brain? WHAT made us self destructive? WHAT is the unseen energy that seems to stop us from moving forward?
To answer all the questions, let me help you understand the engineering of human being, the science of being the best of you. Some bio hack techniques that would make you superhuman, and a mental overhauling to lead a happy and fulfilled life.

Who Should Join: Anyone who strives to be batter, to do better, and to lead a better life can join for his/her personal and professional growth.

What & How I Do: We prefer to schedule one on one counselling sessions as everyone has its own special needs and there is no generic medicine that works for all. However, We will host some workshops that helps all in general.

This will be a non judge-mental zone where everyone is free to share what they are struggling with. Our job will be to unfastening the knots that you have been struggling with. A better perspective always helps us see beyond our current vision, hence we will also help you with better perspectives.

***At last, most of us live our lives between binary of right or wrong but never realizes that life is a spectrum of multi colors, shades, events, moods, feelings, behaviors, intentions, and much more. Life is constantly happening to all of us, making it an occasion or merely a situation is a matter of choice. ***