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85% complete!!! 3bd/1ba waiting for your finishing touches

From: Tee T.
Sent on: Thursday, March 3, 2016, 9:40 AM
Non-MLS Wholetail Property!

McKinley Neighborhood
3XXX 6th Street North,
Minneapolis, MN

Price: $90,000
EMD: $2,500
Est. Rehab: TBD by Investor
Est. ARV: TBD by Investor

See Photos
Property Details:
- Single Family Home

 - Built in 1909

 - Approx. 1,106 Sq. Ft.

 - 3 Bedrooms

 - 1 Bathrooms
 Additional Info:

The rehab on this home has already been started and nearing completion. Updated mechanicals, knockdown ceilings/walls, new windows throughout and more. Just needs your finishing touches!

We can sell this one as a package deal with the other one we have on James Ave N for an additional discount. Possibly could sell on TERMS as well! 

The home is vacant so contact us today for access. Thank you and happy investing!


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