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Re: [tcCannabisClub] Should I run for the Minnesota Senate?

From: Aspen G.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 7:30 PM
Will there be a presence at the state fair?  We  could really open eyes and distribute materials to a lot of people.  Also the tie in with the farmers would be strong.  How did the last bill get written and moved along?
In a message dated 8/16/2011 5:04:32 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [address removed] writes:
I am willing to help organize people to be flies in the ointment. Oliver Steinberg of the Grassroots Party and Ken Pentel of the Ecology Democracy Party suggest that by running as a 3rd party, one can steal votes from the major parties and that they will then start to change their own policies when they see that they can gain the 3rd party's voters by adopting the 3rd party candidate's policies. I tend to agree with this philosophy. A full court press is in order though, which includes supporting anyone in any party that is in favor of us. It'd be helpful to know what sort of things we should offer candidates that support us. Would our website be helpful?


On Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 10:14 PM, W. D. (Bill) Hamm <[address removed]> wrote:
Hello Steve;
Mark Dayton stood and stands solidly against us, I say that as one who supported him early and turned against him after his clear public statement hooking it to his chemical recovery, (I can’t let anyone else have it if I can’t). You need to understand that those Prison Guards in Minnesota are public employee union, so are court stenographers and many others. What I am reffering to is the controling membership of our DFL and why they still find it too easy to stand against us. Until we can become an anoying enough fly in the ointment of both parties we will see no change in our present political environment. That is why I say we must work to be a strong presents in all viable political spheres, we need organized effort in their faces politely or otherwise everywhere we can. We need this power to max next February at caucus time, we need every seat we can take to county conventions and the State conventions to prove our determination to get this done and to have the power to make or break candidate endorsement which can come down to a very few votes. Yes a very small number of us 0.25%, or 1 out of 400 people, and we can control all three major political parties in Minnesota. In more simple numbers, that is 12,500 across Minnesota out of the roughly 3 Million who support us. Yes we can.
W. D. (Bill) Hamm

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