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An Introductory Exploration of Mantra Meditation

Photo of Rob Wallace
Hosted By
Rob W.
An Introductory Exploration of Mantra Meditation


At this class, we will introduce 3 meditation techniques and discuss the philosophy behind the practice. This will provide participants with an understanding of why mantra meditation is of value, as well as give a framework from which a personal practice can be developed.

This event is perfect for anyone looking to move in positive direction in their lives, and develop a sustainable meditation practice at home.

We accept donations if you would like to help us cover the costs of putting on the events, but there is no obligation. All of our events are FREE.

Please feel free to be in touch with any questions! I will answer calls and respond to texts until the program starts.



Mission Statement

To create a safe space for the learning and celebration of bhakti yoga through meditation, introspection, and an overall healthy lifestyle.

Code of Conduct

To attend our programs we expect that you:

-Have a clear mind and not be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other mind-altering substances.

-Come without firearms or weapons.

-Avoid sexual harassment, imposing on other's personal space, and other inappropriate behavior.

-Are free from a history of any legal, federal or state, convictions of violence or abuse.

-Refrain from using aggressive language.

Anyone who's presence poses a threat to the safety of the participants or the spiritual space which has been created, either by nature of their past or present behavior, may attend online but not in person.

Report any concerns to Rob via email or text.

Photo of Mantra Meditation Salt Lake City group
Mantra Meditation Salt Lake City
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Meet Me On 33rd
1565 East 3300 South · Salt Lake City, UT