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New Meetup: Women's Healing and Empowerment Circle

From: Cece Converse, C.
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 3:38 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Modern Mystery School in the Bay Area

What: Women's Healing and Empowerment Circle

When: October 6,[masked]:00 PM

Open Secret Bookstore
923 C St
San Rafael, CA 94901

Womens Healing Circle
7 - 9pm
Open Secret Bookstore
San Rafael, Ca

Imagine a woman in love with herself!
And I?ll show you one sexy powerful woman!

A Coming Together of Healing and Teaching!
In the tradition of women coming together as equals, wise,
feminine and of all ages, to be together, support each other, heal,
teach, learn with and from each other.
Explore together what it means for each of us to be a woman in these changing times.

$10 - 15 donation (no one turned away due to lack of funds)

Learn more here: