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New Meetup: 22 Strand DNA Life Activation - Introduction and Activation Night

From: Cece Converse, C.
Sent on: Thursday, October 1, 2009, 3:50 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Modern Mystery School in the Bay Area (formerly RMMS)!

What: 22 Strand DNA Life Activation - Introduction and Activation Night

When: October 22,[masked]:00 PM

Malaya Center for Health & Healing
395 Civic Dr
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Life Activation Talk and Activations

Activating your DNA to the 22nd strand gives you greater access to your
unique gifts and potentialities of you...

Some of the benefits of having Life Activation are it:

Enables you to bring in & hold more Light in your physical body.
Empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrealized talents & abilities.
Gives you more energy & clarity.
Strengthens your immune system.
Assists in releasing of unconscious patterns.
Increases your ability to use more of your brain.
Facilitates clearing of familiy & genetic karmic patterns.

The Life Activation presents a great opportunity to clean up the family gene pool, to stop the old limiting genetic patterns from continuing to manifest in those that come afte ryou.

The best gift you can give to yourself and your children.

Talk $10
Talk and Activation $40 with preregistration ($50 at the door)

Presented by Liz Garcia, Teacher-Healer with the Modern Mystery School &
CeCe Converse, CPCC, Teacher-Healer-Guide Member with the Modern Mystery School.

At the Malaya Center,
395 Civic Drive Suite C
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Learn more here:

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