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Money Talk for Moms

Photo of Valerie Trenev
Hosted By
Valerie T.
Money Talk for Moms


Goal: Repeating online Zoom meeting at 5:30 pm every other Monday, Beginning December 11, 2023 to talk about money. Discuss basic concepts of money and how to teach the younger generation about money.

It is not easy to be young now! Our younger generation needs support! Personal finance is not taught in detail in schools. California is fourth from the bottom in financial education. Parents cannot teach what they do not know for themselves.

Join this casual discussion to explore ways to change that scenario for yourself and your family! Although this is geared towards moms, everyone is welcome.

Leader of talk: Valerie Trenev, CLS, MS, Financial Educator, K-12 Teacher

JOB = Journey of the Broke.

Are you "money broke"? Are you "time broke"? Are you tired and have more "month than money"? How can we work so hard, all of our lives, sometimes with two jobs or more, raise a family and end up not being able to retire or meet our needs? Being broke is often times generational. It is possible to change this! Help your children and yourself to be financially free. Answers to these questions and strategies to make a change will be shared. You can forge a path to financial freedom! Take the first steps by attending this discussion group.

Photo of Money Talk for Moms group
Money Talk for Moms
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Every 2 weeks on Monday

Online event
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