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Re: Property rights LTE contest (win some silver)

From: user 5.
Sent on: Thursday, October 29, 2009, 5:15 PM
Just sent this one in.
John Haley
I must respond to Michael Sullivan's recent letter to the editor on the issue of eminent domain.
Mr. Sullivan believes that "extreme right-wing Libertarians" have a misunderstanding regarding eminent domain. I disagree.
Eminent domain is not a "right" of our government as Mr. Sullivan states. Governments don't have rights, people do. Libertarians do, however, understand that government has been delegated the authority to use the power of eminent domain on a limited basis by constitutional law. Some examples where government could legitimately use the power of eminent domain would be to improve existing roads or build much-needed new ones, the building of a new school or hospital or upgrading existing "public" infrastructure, such as water and sewer.
In most cases I would agree with Mr. Sullivan that building a public library is a "laudable" purpose, worthy of allowing government to use its power of eminent domain.
But this case is not one.
First of all, Abington Township already has an existing public library. Building another one makes no sense at all. But beyond that is the money that a second library will cost. At a time when EVERY level of government is deep in debt and is overburdening taxpayers with ever-increasing taxes, it is sheer foolishness to even contemplate spending more money on an unneeded library.
Lastly, I would like to clear up Mr. Sullivan's misunderstanding regarding Libertarians. Libertarians are not "extreme right-wing." While we do favor some traditional "conservative" priniciples such as free markets, low taxes and limited government, Libertarians are gaining more support from people all across the political spectrum because many Americans have come to realize that the Republican and Democrat Parties only care about bailing out their politically-connected friends and maintaining political power.
Simply put, Libertarians share the vision of our country's Founding Fathers. A vision where the sole purpose of government is to protect the inalienable rights of We The People and where America would truly be The Land of The FREE!

Oct 26,[masked]:52:58 AM, [address removed] wrote:
Hi Folks,

Attached is a letter published in Montgomery Newspapers glorifying the
"right" of government to grab private property and criticizing "right-
wing" libertarians for daring to rally in defense of individual rights.

I'm offering 1 oz of silver for each response letter published. I'm
also offering another ounce for the best letter (published or not).

Judging will be based on impact, wit and a demonstration of reasoning
from first principles. The deadline for submissions is Friday, 10/30.
Time is short.

Send your responses to [address removed] and please CC this
group and [address removed].

Letters should reference the attached letter and be brief. Include
your full contact information so the paper can verify your existence.

Feel free to share this with anyone you think may be interested.


Jim Babb