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You guys are on your own for July

From: Randy A.
Sent on: Friday, June 29, 2012, 7:28 PM
Hey everyone,

I mentioned this briefly last weekend at Resobox, but I'll be overseas 
for most of July without much in the way of internet access.

I highly encourage you guys to coordinate amongst yourselves and make 
the best of the meetup platform to organize events for yourselves.

Resobox is a great venue for quiet lecture type events if you guys want 
to do that. They're giving us a discounted rate for renting their room 
(normally it's $60/hr but they'll give us a good deal for our group of 
~$5/person). There's always Fat Cat, the many parks in the city. (See 
here for ideas 

In any case, I'll see you guys come August.
Enjoy the summer!


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