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New Meetup: James Stewart - Shop Around the Corner

From: E.D.
Sent on: Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 7:04 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Art & Independent Film Fans Meetup Group!

What: James Stewart - Shop Around the Corner

When: Sunday, December 19,[masked]:15 PM

Where: Paramount Theatre
713 Congress Ave
Austin, TX 78701

Sure you've seen it before but have you seen it on the big screen?

1940 | 99 min. | Black and White

Regular Admission - $9

Two employees at a gift shop can barely stand one another, without realizing that they're falling in love through the post as each other's anonymous pen pal. The film's grand finale, set on Christmas Eve, is one of the best endings. Directed by the great Ernst Luitsch.

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