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Train to Busan (Korean Zombie Thriller) Discount Tickets

From: Dante
Sent on: Sunday, January 8, 2017, 11:17 AM

The Digital Gym Media Center presents Train to Busan from January 06 - 12th.

Members will receive $8.50 discount tickets online with promo code DGCCP and see showtimes at:

If you are purchasing at the box office the password is SD Action and Horror Meetup Group. Daisy Jiyan Lee of the Digital Gym is our representative.

PLOT: A man (Gong Yoo), his estranged daughter and other passengers become trapped on a speeding train during a zombie outbreak in South Korea in this exciting thrill ride from director Yeon Sang-ho.

Train to Busan Trailer

TRAIN TO BUSAN is a harrowing zombie horror-thriller that follows a group of terrified passengers fighting their way through a countrywide viral outbreak while trapped on a suspicion-filled, blood-drenched bullet train ride to Busan, a southern resort city that has managed to hold off the zombie hordes… or so everyone hopes.

Critic Quotes:

“Train to Busan is the year’s best genre offering by a zombie mile.” – Cine Vue

“Funny, scary and with its heart in the right place.” – Little White Lies

“Yeon has come up with a take on zombies that is rooted deep in the genre but still feels innovative.” – Empire Magazine

“The most purely entertaining zombie film in some time, finding echoes of George Romero’s and Danny Boyle’s work, but delivering something unique for an era in which kindness to others seems more essential than ever.” – Brian Tallerico

“Sprinting right out of the gate, the director, Yeon Sang-ho, dives gleefully into a sandbox of spilled brains and smug entitlement.” – The New York Times


We hope to see you there to support local media venues and foreign cinema.



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