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Trip to Settle in the Dales - 5th - 7th June

From: julie
Sent on: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 10:48 AM
Hi everyone
please read all of this if you are keen on the trip...

Sarah, Simon and I are planning a trip to Settle in the Dales for next weekend. The plan is to leave on Friday evening at 19.19 and arrive there at 20.13. There are trains too on the Saturday, if you would prefer and are attending the film on Friday night. The times of the train on Sat a.m. are 08.49 and 09.47 or I am sure there will be ones later if you prefer. The plan is to camp until Sunday and head back to Leeds Sunday evening around 7pm, again there will probably be earlier trains. The train fare appears to be around ?16 return and if camping it is approx ?4 pound per person per night plus ?2 per tent. If you prefer hostel or similar then have a look on the internet where I am sure you will get a rough idea of what is available and then book according to what you prefer to do and if you need to book in advance. It has become apparent that we may need to book in advance to camp.. if you wish to camp, it is your responsibilty to book your place at the campsite. i will let you know a.s.a.p were we are staying and if you wish to join us there great. Simon, sarah and I can't book for other people due to not knowing how many people are coming and the fact numbers can change at the last minute. Please don't rely on us to have sorted out your accomodation.

Here is a website explaining what there is to do in Settle...

appears to be lots to do, as well as beautiful country side and am sure we can make the weekend as expensive or inexpensive as we choose.

I have had a quick research of campsites... and if you put campsites in Settle into Google, you will see what I have found. If you decide to camp, please make sure to bring relevant sleeping equipment e.g. sleeping bag, tent etc...

So....I hope you can make it. Apologies for the short notice. If you can't make it with us, I am sure we will arrange something similar for the summer.

we will meet at train station on Friday evening at 18.45, give people time to purchase tickets and get to the train. You are welcome to join us whenever during the weekend but please indicate when you plan to come so we have a rough idea of when and who to look out for. Similarly, feel free to return to Leeds when it suits you. Please note however, if you decide to join us on the trip at the last minute, people on the trip, including me, might be busy doing an activity, in which case it will be up to you to find us (obviously we will give you directions) rather that us coming to find you. Similarly be aware that we are in the countryside and phones are not always reliable or we may be ' busy' to answer. Sorry to sound harsh, but up to that point people will have had a nearly a week to say if they are coming. Also I intend to fully enjoy the weekend and don't want to be going off to find people, esp if you have let me know at the last minute you are coming. Very different if you let me know before friday, that you intend to arrive on Sat evening, them we will do all we can to meet with you and find you. If you ring me on sat evening, and say you are arriving in ten minutes, this is where it might get a bit awkward...

Any ?s text me[masked] or [address removed] but given that this is a new experience for me, I don't know how helpful I will

I am not sure how the weekend will pan out in terms of what we end up doing but if you are happy to play it by ear and are flexible in terms of finding somewhere to kip, then you are sure to have fun.

Meanwhile - lets pray for similar weather to what we are enjoying this weekend.

Friends welcome.

Love Jules