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Re: [Marina-Park-Sand-Volleyball] Adult Clinic this Sunday 9am Alameda

From: Chris
Sent on: Thursday, January 15, 2015, 3:10 PM
Hi Simone,

I am interested in attending this clinic. I just moved up here from Venice Beach and use to play a lot of beach volleyball several years ago until an accident put me out of commission. I have played in B level tournaments in the CBVA, although I never obtained my “B” rating. I have attended one meetup in Ocean Beach and I am impressed with the level of playing up here; I honestly thought the beach volleyball community would be virtually non-existent. I am out of shape and rusty, but I am serious about getting back to the level of playing I was at when I played in Manhattan Beach and Santa Monica.

That said, how much are you clinics? Could you briefly describe the drills you run? 



Christian Elssner

On January 15, 2015 at 1:55:02 PM, Simone ([address removed]) wrote:

Hi all,

I am hosting a clinic this Sunday morning.
Please RSVP by replying to this email with:
Level: (Beginner, B, BB, A)

This is NOT a drop in clinic. You must RSVP to me by Friday 8pm.


Simone Ortega
Head Coach SandLegs BVC


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