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Yes, yes tomorrow's musicTech Meetup

From: Seth H.
Sent on: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 8:38 PM
Hey Meetup,

Yes, we're meeting tomorrow in the basement at Think Coffee. We have David Porter presenting and then, well, I have no idea. Maybe we go to a bar. Maybe we get into a heavy debate.  Either way, you'll never know if you don't come! 

Also if you have a sec, check out the graphic of all the sites who've presented at our meetup so far: What inspires me most about our group is how everyone is approaching the music industry from a different angle. Whether its creation, identification, storage, delivery, or promotion, it seems like there's space for anyone. And with that said, there's a seat for anyone who'd like to attend and a projector for anyone who'd like to show.

see you tomorrow, 7pm.


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