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New Meeting: Charity's Summer Kick Off Pickin' Party

From: Erin Z.
Sent on: Sunday, June 1, 2008, 10:42 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The San Antonio Musician Meetup Group!

What: Charity's Summer Kick Off Pickin' Party

When: Sunday, June 8, 5:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: Hi there everybody and welcome to all the new members! Just to recap for the new folks, this list is a spinoff of the [address removed]. We've got two lists going in San Antonio to bring together as many musicians and their friends who want to have fun with us. Charity is hosting a party this Sunday.
Word on the street is that there will be not just one, but two marimba players. Damn! See you there.


Charity says:

Bring your instruments, your appetite, your drinks, your chairs,
and your desire to have a great time.....this is the FIRST party at my
house so let's make it BIG and is summer and even we adults
need to have some summer fun....

Party will still start at 5pm and will end when we want it to.

My address is 222 Furr Drive, SA, 78201

Looking forward to it best friend is coming into town and
she is bringing her marimba....she has a Master's in Performance Art
and is way not miss the often do you get
a chance to mess with a marimba??

Love to all and see you all soon......


PS-- Please RSVP so that I know how much food to make.

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