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Percona Live Community Dinner in 2 weeks (2nd mail).

From: Jean-François G.
Sent on: Monday, September 19, 2016, 12:22 PM


(Sorry if you received this message already, I only sent it first to a subset of the group.)

Percona Live is in 2 weeks and on Tuesday, October 4th there is the classic Community Dinner. is hosting this event.

You do not need to be registered to the conference to attend the dinner.

By attending the dinner, you will be able to attend the conference lightning talks:

The dinner registration include a boat ride from the conference venue (Mövenpick Hotel City Centre, Piet Heinkade 11) to the dinner venue ( Headquarters, Herengracht 597).  You can register for the dinner at this URL:

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Jean-François Gagné


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