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Immediate Openings for 2 (Junior up to Senior) Programmers - PHP/Rails/SQL Server

From: Gregory N.
Sent on: Friday, December 30, 2011, 11:24 AM
As an established, innovative and fast paced company we are looking for a few Junior to Senior programmers to join our team in Brentwood, TN.  
With your team you are responsible for the the software architecture, design and buildup: the technology and service platform.  The position is well compensated and permanent.
Skills:      Clear understanding of Rails, PHP and MS SQL 2003 and 2008
               Minimum of 1 year experience
Employment Terms:   Full Time Onsite, permanent position
                                Salary Open and negotiable
Please respond via email [address removed] to setup an immediate interview.

Gregory Nowicki


Capital Accounts


1642 Westgate Circle, Suite 204

Brentwood, TN 37027


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