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Re: [ruby-110] Speakers ruby/ruby on rails

From: Jimmy B.
Sent on: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 1:50 PM
Hello everyone. Glad to see ruby is still a topic of interest in  
Nashville. :) I like talking about everything but these are usually  
pretty cool:

- Asynchronous processing using things like starling or sparrow
- Metaprogramming (always a good time)
- Deployment
	- Capistrano recipes (I love trading these.)
	- nginx+mongrel versus apache+passenger
- RubyCocoa
- General web performance optimization strategies (things like assets  
bundlers or asset hosts)


On Aug 20, 2008, at 11:38 PM, Will Bridges wrote:

Okay, Levi is helping me find a venue to pick things back up with.  
But, we need some speakers to volunteer. So, please respond to the  
list with things you would like to see spoken about or if you would  
like to speak let us know. I think the plan is to get things back  
rolling next month. It can be anything related to ruby, not just  
rails... I'd be interested in Merb if anybody has experience with  
that. Maybe an alternative frameworks presentation would be cool.  
Jimmy I know you said you had a couple things you might be interested  
in presenting about... go ahead and put them out there.

Will Bridges
CEO / CogWise Software

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