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What we’re about

Welcome to a Sex Positive Community for Queer & Kinky Folks! We are here to create safer, inclusive spaces for All Bodies, LBGTQ+, Divergent & beyond to meet "In Real Life", because we are social creatures and community feeds us all so we can thrive together.

This group is for adults only, you must be 18 years old to join us, and proof of age will be required to attend events.

Our community is based on the principles of "The Wheel of Consent", your boundaries are the most important thing, feeling empowered to say "No", so you can truly show up and receive your "Yes".

In this inclusive environment for exploration, we delve into topics such as Emotional Intelligence, Designer Relationships, BDSM, Sacred Sexuality, Tantra, Sex Magic, and Self Love.

We will be offering opportunities to connect, learn, communicate, cuddle, and create sacred spaces while respecting boundaries.

I'm Ira Zezir Intimacy Architect and I founded this group because as a Gender Queer, Poly, Kinky, Pansexual person living in the "Bible Belt", having a sex positive community has been key to my growth in self expression and trust in the divine grace of my pleasure. I have processed generations of sex trauma by studying and practicing a wide scope of tools in Sacred Sexuality, Consent Culture, Spiritual Wellness and Sexual Health. I am thrilled and honored to be a space holder for the "Unbuckling" and opening to the pleasure of possiblity through this social IRL community.