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New Meetup: Friday @ two rivers.

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 10:25 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for NASHVILLE-SLOW-RIDE!

What: Friday @ two rivers.

When: Friday, February 19,[masked]:45 PM

Two Rivers Park
2320 Two Rivers Pkwy near Wave Country
Nashville, TN 37214

Doug Pond and I are going to ride from Two Rivers Water Park to Percy Priest Dam and back. this ride is 16 mile round trip. we will average 9 mph with a few rest breaks as needed. this ride will takes 2-2.5 hours when we slow-ride.

this is not the type of ride you have to feel obligated to go to. i will ride even if no one shows up as these are my exercise rides. but as always rides are better with company and the more the better. if you choose to ride make sure you bring your helmet and lights. dress for the occasion it will be low 40s when we leave out and dark when we get back. this is a greenway ride only getting on the road @ lebanon rd to cross over at Khols. please bring water or any needed snacks with you.

if you plan to come please rsvp on here or send me a email [address removed] or call my cell phone 615...693...2525 so i dont leave with out you. i dont mind waiting a few minutes if you are running late.

if you have any questions feel free to ask. this is the first of many of these rides.

thanks Brandon

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